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Youth Groups

The goal of our youth programming is to build lifelong meaningful faith relationships. We want all youth to feel seen, known, loved and valued as children of God.

Sundays at 6:30pm

We have activities the first three Sundays of the month from 6:30 to 8 p.m.



Consent and registration forms with current contact information must be on file. We love it when our youth invite their friends, just remember visitors also need consent and registration forms.


Lock-ins, Retreats, & Mission Trips

  • Lock-ins

  • Retreats

  • Mission trips


Youth Advisors

All of our youth programs depend on our advisors! Every skill set needed and training provided! Help every week, once a month or join us on our travels.  Stay with one age group or grow with a group. The more time you invest, the deeper the relationships you build with both the youth and other advisors.

Sundays at 6:30pm
Lock-ins, Retreats, & Mission Trips
Youth Advisors
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